Willem Proesmans


Nitrogen, Community Traits and Pathogens in Pollinator Networks


Denis Michez

Research start date


Research End date



Wild pollinators suffer global declines. Nitrogen (N) deposition and pathogen spillover from managed bees are two key drivers, but the exact mechanisms and the extent of their impacts on wild pollinators is unclear. NECTAPOLL will assess how these factors drive declines in wild pollinators by looking at the effects at both the species and the community level.
N-deposition alters plant communities, possibly reducing quality and quantity of pollen and nectar, and hence reducing bee fitness. We will monitor the plant community and analyse pollen and nectar quality in selected plant species along an N-deposition gradient. Additionally, we will look at how N alters the structure of plant-pollinator interactions.
Pathogen risk will be assessed by comparing pathogen load in wild pollinator species along a wide gradient in phylogeny and functional traits. At the community level, species composition and honeybee abundance will be assessed as factors driving pathogen prevalence


I did a PhD at Ghent University on the role of small forest fragments in intensive agricultural landscapes as habitat for wild pollinators. After my PhD I moved on to interactions, doing two postdocs at INRAE in Dijon on the VOODOO and Safeguard projects, respectively looking at how shared flower use affects pathogen transmission between pollinators and how nitrogen deposition affects the structure of plant-pollinator networks. Currently I am using this data to do deeper analyses to understand the exact mechanics behind the observed processes, as well as investigating how nitrogen can directly affect the nutritional value of nectar.


Willem Proesmans

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No 101034383

Caroline Vliegen

C2W Project Manager

Place du Parc, 22 |7000 Mons |Belgium