A campus in the capital of Wallonia
Easily accessible by train or by car, the city of Namur is situated close to three international airports. Situated in the heart of the historic centre, the University benefits from all the facilities in terms of accommodation, shops, leisure and public transport. Namur is a city of over 110 000 inhabitants and offers a pleasant quality of life.
With more than 40 different programmes at the Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels, the UNamur welcomes over 4,900 students in six Faculties: Arts, Law, Economics, Social Sciences and Business Administration, Computer Science, Medicine and Sciences. Its reputation is based on the quality of its education, its human size enabling the availability of its professors and innovative resources to ensure maximum chances of success for each student.
The number of students hosted in Namur in the framework of international exchange programmes continues to rise. The majority of them come from European universities, partners of the Erasmus+ programme but an increasing number of non-European students are now choosing the University of Namur as a destination. In 2018, the University hosted students from 24 different countries.

Missions and values
The mission of the University of Namur is to educate students and researchers as responsible actors in society. Extra-academic social, citizen and humanist projects are encouraged to contribute to the development of a democratic, pluralist and supportive society. In its research mission, the University of Namur favours subjects which combine excellence and long-term concern. It pays specific attention to Interdisciplinarity and considers the human and social stakes of science and technology. The University also has a mission of engaging society as well as answering its calls. The University of Namur aims at sowing the seeds of cultural, social, politic and economic development with the local actors. It arouses the analysis of major societal problems, and notably inequalities.
The University of Namur places the human being in the heart of its inherited Jesuit traditional values: openness, excellence, liberty and sustainability. It asserts its will to openness to the world and is open to all categories of people, whatever their age, role, origins or status. In each of its missions, the University of Namur aims at excellence in an approach, which integrates proximity, solidarity and respect.
At the University of Namur, 11 transdisciplinary research institutes excel in 5 main clusters: life sciences; material sciences; environmental questions; patrimonies and cultures; society and digital transition. The 9 technology platforms offer their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to researchers and the industry. Together with the 6 faculties, professors and researchers work on multidisciplinary research projects with teams established worldwide. Every year, the University of Namur hosts researchers from the 5 continents in respect and in the framework of the EURAXESS programme. Foreign researchers constitute 22% of the research staff and benefit from the UNamur HRS4R strategy plan i.e. a welcome office for foreign researchers, a special support for legal document procedure and accommodations, a continuous training in transversal skills, recruitment policies in compliance with the European Charter and Code for researchers, access to a child-care centre reconciling family and professional life…