Call information

3rd (last) Call Agenda


Call opening


Call deadline (4pm Brussels time)


Eligibility check

Mar. – June 2024

Evaluation & selection process

End June 2024

Notification to candidates

Sept. – Nov. 2024

Start of funded projects

Eligibility criteria for the applicants

  • Experienced Researcher (ER)
  • Any nationality
  • No age restriction apply
  • Fluent in English

In possession of a doctoral degree or has at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience at the call deadline

International mobility : The ER cannot have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Belgium for more than 12 months in the three years before the deadline of the call

The Guide for Applicants will help you to prepare your application file. The Guide also provides detailed information about the evaluation and selection procedure.

Please find below the template for your application file:

Research proposal template (mandatory) – Word format

Research proposal template (mandatory) – PDF format

Eligibility criteria for the project

Full freedom to choose the topic of the research project within the research areas of the 21 interdisciplinary Research Institutes of UMONS & UNamur

Proposals must describe a 2-year research project + secondment (Applicants must include a Letter of Support from their secondment host)

All projects must adhere to the C2W ethics standards

Eligibility criteria for PIs and co-PIs

Applicants have full freedom in the choice of their Principal Investigator (PI)

The co-PI will be suggested by the PI and nominated in agreement with the applicant

To ensure the interdisciplinary nature of the research, the Fellow will be supervised by a co-PI with skills in a discipline other than that of the PI.

PI (and the co-PI) will be a professor or a senior researcher with a permanent position in UMONS or UNamur

Her/His permanent position entails regular checks of her/his resumé and thus ensures quality of the PI (and co-PI)

At the proposal preparation stage, the proposed PIs have the following responsibilities :
 1. She/he must support the applicant in drafting the proposal
2. She/he must support the Fellow in identifying a suitable secondment
3. Suggest a co-PI

The applicant must identify a supervisor at UMONS or UNamur and obtain a letter of acceptance from her/him.

Selection Procedure

Eligibility check

(1 week)

Remote peer review

(10 weeks)

Ethical check

(4 weeks)

Remote interview

(3 days)

Ranked list + Funding decision

(1 week)

The Guide for Evaluators describes the evaluation and selection procedure in detail. 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No 101034383

Caroline Vliegen

C2W Project Manager

Place du Parc, 22 |7000 Mons |Belgium