Political Knowledge as a Commons in Democratic Athens
Christophe Flament (PI) and Laura Rizzerio (co-PI)
Faculté de philosophie et lettres, Université de Namur
The main hypothesis of this project is that the debate on knowledge as a commons, and specifically on political knowledge as a commons, was already present long before the age of new technologies, and that contemporary economic analysis of “rivalry” and “substractability” is necessary to understand how political knowledge was controlled, restricted or disseminated in the past. Considering this idea, this research will contribute an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to thinking about the relationship between different proposals of political knowledge management which coexisted in classical Athens in light of a very topical issue: commons, “a general term that refers to a resource shared by a group of people”. Thus, this project will offer the first application of the theory of commons to the analysis of the strategy of political knowledge management which predominates in the Athenian democracy and the response that it generates in contemporary philosophical circles.
During my Ph.D. studies at the University of Santiago de Compostela, I have maintained an interdisciplinary research line between Ancient History and Ancient Philosophy that led me to present a thesis on Plato’s dialogues from a historical perspective (September 2022). I have written a few papers about the discursive contexts of Plato’s dialogues and how they convey the philosopher’s own interpretation of Athens’ recent past. To accomplish this task, I have established a continued dialogue with experts in the fields involved, resulting in three fruitful international research stays (École Normale Supérieure with Luc Brisson, Universidad de Buenos Aires with Julián Gallego, Université de Franche-Comté with Arnaud Macé). These exchanges between different areas provided me with a solid background for the development of the project that I am undertaking at UNamur within the frame of the C2W programme, since my research proposal combines approaches from Ancient History, Ancient Philosophy, and an area of Political Economy which is interdisciplinary by itself, the study of the commons.
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (forthcoming), “Les performances de Diogène le Cynique : une approche spatialisée”, in Mariat, L.; Santoro, C. (eds.), Dialogues anachroniques. Incursions grecques dans l’éthique et la philosophie sociale contemporaines (special issue), Philosophique. Annales littéraires de l’université de Franche-Comté.
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (forthcoming 2022), “Corruption and Urban Landscape in Plato: The Story of Atlantis, the Chronicle of Thucydides and the Geometry of the Town Plan”, Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 40/2.
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (2022), “The Dramatic Date of Plato’s Timaeus-Critias”, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies (GRBS), 62, 182-202, https://grbs.library.duke.edu/article/view/16699.
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (2022), “Contexto discursivo y filosofía política en la República de Platón”, Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne (DHA), 48/1, 217-247, https://www.cairn.info/revue-dialogues-d-histoire-ancienne-2022-1-page-217.htm?modal=share-tap&tap=i36hrs60klgie.
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (2019), “Diógenes el Cínico: entre la anécdota y la historia”, en Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos 29, 111-130, https://doi.org/10.5209/CFCG.63588.
Book chapters
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (forthcoming), “Lysias: from a wandering metic to an unsuccessful candidate for citizenship”, in Mauro, C.; Chapinal Heras, D.; Valdés Guía, M. (eds.), People on the Move Across the Greek World, Sevilla, Colección Estudios Helénicos, Editorial Universidad de Sevilla.
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (2022), “Review on Eleni Kaklamanou, Maria Pavlou, Antonis Tsakmakis, Framing the Dialogues: how to read openings and closures in Plato, Brill’s Plato studies series, 6, Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2021”, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2022/2022.06.41/.
• Terceiro Sanmartín, N. (2020), “Review on José Luis Moreno Pestaña, Retorno a Atenas. La democracia como principio antioligárquico, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 2019”, Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 38/1, 354-357, https://doi.org/10.5209/geri.68604.
Name | Nerea Terceiro Sanmartín |
Birthdate | 30 years old |
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