Marioara Pascu


Teacher’s collaboration for student’s fundamental Geography skills acquiring through cooperative learning: an international cross- curricular perspective


Natacha Duroisin

Research center

Teacher Training School

Research start date


Research End date



Presently, the main challenges in education are related to improving the quality of the teaching-learning process in all forms of schooling within educational institutions and rapidly adjusting to the current changes in the digital society. The two challenges are focused on three main axes: teachers’ training, students’ training and educational institutions’ development. Furthermore, the poor results obtained by students in the PISA tests draw attention to the necessity of implementing efficient and innovative teaching-learning methods to improve learning outcomes. The project aims to strengthen networking between the field, training and research. The global methodology is a participatory action research including a research based design approach. We will use debate, debriefing and piloting methods for scenario co-design, implementation and co- analysis, the observations in class, and questionnaires survey for statistical analysis using SPSS.


My teaching career started more than 20 years ago and I have been teaching geography in upper secondary school ever since. In the 21st century, being a teacher is a challenge as well as a vocation. This is why I have paid special attention to my continuous training and have always wanted to adapt to the knowledge and information society in which we live.  I have always tried to improve my expertise, my teaching and digital skills so that I can face the challenges of today’s educational environment. I combine classroom teaching with applied research and my latest research focuses on Geography teaching-learning strategies using digital media. Within this context, the research ,, La collaboration de l’enseignant pour l’acquisition des compétences fondamentales de l’étudiant en géographie par l’apprentissage coopératif : une perspective transdisciplinaire internationale”  obtained European funding Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant.

2024- 2026: Postdoctoral MSCA at University of Mons, Ecole de Formation des Enseignants, coordinator Natacha Duroisin
2015- 2019: PHD in Geography at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, coordinator Ileana Pătru-Stupariu
2011-2013: Master in Science at Faculté des Sciences de l’Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France
1995- 1999 : Bachelors in Science at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography


Articles: Internationally:
1.     Pascu, M.(2024). The contribution of studentsʼ learning styles to competences development through the use of Kahoot learning platform. Cogent Education11(1).
2.     Pascu, M., Petculescu, D, Stupariu, I. (2023). Investigating Students’ Perception of Online Assessment as a Result of the Interaction among the Extrinsic Assessment Factors on Students Psychological Characteristics, Educ. Sci. 202313(2), 193;
3.     Stupariu, I., Petculescu, D, Pascu, M. (2022). Does the online education ensure the    effectiveness of teaching and evaluation of Geography? Forum Geografic,,
4.     Pascu, M, Pătru- Stupariu, I.,( 2021). The Assessment of the Authenticity and Conservation Status of Cultural Landscape in Southern Transylvania ( Romania), Geographies, Vol.1.( 1).,
5.     Pascu, M. ( 2020). An Assessment of the Saxon Cultural Heritage by Other Cohabiting Ethnic Groups in Southern Transylvania, Transylvanian Review, 29 (4), Cluj,,
6.     Pătru-Stupariu, I., Pascu, M., Bürgi, M., (2019). Exploring tangible and intangible heritage and its resilience as a basis to understand the cultural landscapes of Saxon communities in southern Transylvania (Romania).Sustainability, vol 11 (11), Rural Landscape, Nature Conservation and Culture,,
7.     Paşcu M., (2016). Saxon Settlements in Braşov —a Declining Cultural Landscape?, Conferința Tourism and Cultural Landscapes — Towards a Sustainable Approach, 12-16 lunie, Budapesta, Ungaria.
1.     Paşcu, M., (2018). The attitude of the local community towards the Saxon’s cultural heritage- a comparative analysis between Sibiu and Braşov counties, Scientifics Annals of „ Alexandru loan Cuza ”, University of laşi, Geography series, vol 63. No.1, pp. 83-101,
2.     Pascu, M.(2014). The Merry Cemetery in Săpânța – a psychological cemetery?, Ethnological Memory Magazine, no.50-51, Ethnologica Publishing House, Baia Mare.
1.     Paşcu Mărioara, Gabriela Munteanu, Baccalaureate preparation guide. Geography 2024. Theory and applications. Mega Publishing House, 2024, Cluj- Napoca.
2.     Paşcu Mărioara, Gabriela Munteanu, Training Tests for the Baccalaureate, Mega Publishing House, 2022, Cluj- Napoca.
3.     Paşcu Mărioara: Le Cimitiere Joyex comme element du paysage culturel, Alma Mater Publishing House, 2013, Sibiu.
4.     Paşcu M., lordache, M.: Methodological-scientific study of Asău commune, Alma Mater Publishing House, 2013, Sibiu.


Marioara Pascu


49 years old



Contact email


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No 101034383

Caroline Vliegen

C2W Project Manager

Place du Parc, 22 |7000 Mons |Belgium