Teacher’s collaboration for student’s fundamental Geography skills acquiring through cooperative learning: an international cross- curricular perspective
Natacha Duroisin
Teacher Training School
Presently, the main challenges in education are related to improving the quality of the teaching-learning process in all forms of schooling within educational institutions and rapidly adjusting to the current changes in the digital society. The two challenges are focused on three main axes: teachers’ training, students’ training and educational institutions’ development. Furthermore, the poor results obtained by students in the PISA tests draw attention to the necessity of implementing efficient and innovative teaching-learning methods to improve learning outcomes. The project aims to strengthen networking between the field, training and research. The global methodology is a participatory action research including a research based design approach. We will use debate, debriefing and piloting methods for scenario co-design, implementation and co- analysis, the observations in class, and questionnaires survey for statistical analysis using SPSS.
My teaching career started more than 20 years ago and I have been teaching geography in upper secondary school ever since. In the 21st century, being a teacher is a challenge as well as a vocation. This is why I have paid special attention to my continuous training and have always wanted to adapt to the knowledge and information society in which we live. I have always tried to improve my expertise, my teaching and digital skills so that I can face the challenges of today’s educational environment. I combine classroom teaching with applied research and my latest research focuses on Geography teaching-learning strategies using digital media. Within this context, the research ,, La collaboration de l’enseignant pour l’acquisition des compétences fondamentales de l’étudiant en géographie par l’apprentissage coopératif : une perspective transdisciplinaire internationale” obtained European funding Horizon 2020 under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant.
2024- 2026: Postdoctoral MSCA at University of Mons, Ecole de Formation des Enseignants, coordinator Natacha Duroisin
2015- 2019: PHD in Geography at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, coordinator Ileana Pătru-Stupariu
2011-2013: Master in Science at Faculté des Sciences de l’Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne, France
1995- 1999 : Bachelors in Science at University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography
Articles: Internationally:
1. Pascu, M.(2024). The contribution of studentsʼ learning styles to competences development through the use of Kahoot learning platform. Cogent Education, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2024.2352320
2. Pascu, M., Petculescu, D, Stupariu, I. (2023). Investigating Students’ Perception of Online Assessment as a Result of the Interaction among the Extrinsic Assessment Factors on Students Psychological Characteristics, Educ. Sci. 2023, 13(2), 193; https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13020193.
3. Stupariu, I., Petculescu, D, Pascu, M. (2022). Does the online education ensure the effectiveness of teaching and evaluation of Geography? Forum Geografic, http://forumgeografic.ro/,
4. Pascu, M, Pătru- Stupariu, I.,( 2021). The Assessment of the Authenticity and Conservation Status of Cultural Landscape in Southern Transylvania ( Romania), Geographies, Vol.1.( 1). https://www.mdpi.com/2673-7086/1/1/2,
5. Pascu, M. ( 2020). An Assessment of the Saxon Cultural Heritage by Other Cohabiting Ethnic Groups in Southern Transylvania, Transylvanian Review, 29 (4), Cluj, http://www.centruldestudiitransilvane.ro/Document_Files/TR4/2020/00000925/8o0c5_TransylvanianReviewXXIXNo4-35-57.pdf,
6. Pătru-Stupariu, I., Pascu, M., Bürgi, M., (2019). Exploring tangible and intangible heritage and its resilience as a basis to understand the cultural landscapes of Saxon communities in southern Transylvania (Romania).Sustainability, vol 11 (11), Rural Landscape, Nature Conservation and Culture, https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/11/3102,
7. Paşcu M., (2016). Saxon Settlements in Braşov —a Declining Cultural Landscape?, Conferința Tourism and Cultural Landscapes — Towards a Sustainable Approach, 12-16 lunie, Budapesta, Ungaria.
1. Paşcu, M., (2018). The attitude of the local community towards the Saxon’s cultural heritage- a comparative analysis between Sibiu and Braşov counties, Scientifics Annals of „ Alexandru loan Cuza ”, University of laşi, Geography series, vol 63. No.1, pp. 83-101 http://www.anaIeoeo.uaic.ro/index.php/SciGeo,
2. Pascu, M.(2014). The Merry Cemetery in Săpânța – a psychological cemetery?, Ethnological Memory Magazine, no.50-51, Ethnologica Publishing House, Baia Mare.
1. Paşcu Mărioara, Gabriela Munteanu, Baccalaureate preparation guide. Geography 2024. Theory and applications. Mega Publishing House, 2024, Cluj- Napoca.
2. Paşcu Mărioara, Gabriela Munteanu, Training Tests for the Baccalaureate, Mega Publishing House, 2022, Cluj- Napoca.
3. Paşcu Mărioara: Le Cimitiere Joyex comme element du paysage culturel, Alma Mater Publishing House, 2013, Sibiu.
4. Paşcu M., lordache, M.: Methodological-scientific study of Asău commune, Alma Mater Publishing House, 2013, Sibiu.
Name | Marioara Pascu |
Birthdate | 49 years old |
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