Bioenergetic and mitochondrial metabonomic of podocyte injury: application to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
Pr AE Declèves
Laboratoire de Biochimie Métabolique et Moléculaire
Podocyte injury leads to glomerular dysfunction, proteinuria, and renal dysfunction. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is the first cause of glomerular diseases leading to end stage renal disease in the USA. Experimental evidence have highlighted the involvement of mitochondria in FSGS physiopathology. In this program, we plan to better define the mitochondrial response to various FSGS mimicking aggressions on immortalized human podocytes and glomerulus-on-chip model. The experimental design will combined mitochondrial integrity and function assessments with a metabonomic approach. This will allow to identify a metabolic signature that will be then validate on human samples (kidney biopsies, urine, plasma) from Tenon Hospital Biobank (France). The project outcomes will pave a new avenue towards more efficient personalized diagnosis and therefore better treatment and prognosis.
– 01/11/14 – 01/11/21: INSERM U 1155 CORAKID/Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris/Sorbonne University/Paris France; PhD thesis “Physicochemical tools applications in renal physiology and physiopathology” under the direction of Pr P. Ronco
– 01/09/04 – 31/09/17: Medical Faculty/Université Paris Descartes (now Université de Paris)/Paris France
Specialization: Nephrology
MD thesis: Prevalence and determinants of proximal tubulopathy in HIV infected patients under the direction of Pr E. Plaisier and Pr X. Lescure.
– 01/09/06 – 30/08/07 Institut Cochin/Université Paris Descartes (now Université de Paris)/Paris France – Master 2 degree in Cell biology, “Real time decipehring of beta-arrestins and CXCR4 and CCR5 receptors trafficking during chemotactic response”, under the direction of Dr S. Marullo
Professional experience
- 02/01/22 -: Nephrologist – Kidney transplantation Unit/ Hopital Pitié Salpêtrière /France
Medical management of patients by and after kidney transplantation.
- 01/11/20 – 31/10/21: Nephrologist – Day Hospital/Nephrology Department, Hopital Tenon, Paris/France
Clinical nephrology. Main activities: glomerular diseases (membranous nephropathy, FSGS, minimal change disease) and post transplantation
- 01/11/17 – 31/10/20: Nephrology Fellow assistant-professor/ Nephrology Department/ Hopital Tenon, Paris France/ Sorbonne University
Clinical Nephrology, teaching, clinical research (associated investigator for 2 ongoing industrial clinical trials and 2 institutional clinical trials, principal investigator for one institutional protocol), development and management of the Sorbonne University kidney biopsy biobank database.
- 01/11/2010 – 31/11/2014 Nephrology resident of the Paris’ hospitals / APHP / Université Paris Descartes
Training in nephrology, kidney transplantation, internal medicine, infectious diseaseses, intensive care, renal pathology and renal physiology.
Commissions of trust (e.g. advisory board in research projects, reviewer in scientific journals)
- 01/01/16 – ongoing : Member of the Peer Review Committee n°5 (life sciences), Synchrotron SOLEIL, evaluation of scientific project that requires access to SOLEIL Synchrotron Radiation facility.
- Reviewer for: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Nephrophrologie et Thérapeutiques
Memberships of scientific societies/networks
- 01/01/2015 – Ongoing: Member of the “Societe Francaise de Nephrologie Dialyse et Transplantation”, French national Nephrologist association
Major collaboration
– INSERM U1155 / CORAKID / Sorbonne University Nephrology Department, Paris France, Dr C. Chatziantniou, Pr JJ Boffa, Pr L. Mesnard
– Synchrotron SOLEIL: Disco Beamline (Dr F. Jamme, Dr M. Refregiers), SMIS Beamline (Pr A. Dazzi, Pr A. Denizet), DIFFABS beamline (Dr S. Reguer)
Tamzali Y, Buob D, Verdet C, Luque Y, Mesnard L, Boffa JJ, Esteve E. Persisting Aseptic pyelonephritis following acute bacterial pyelonephritis: possible role of corticosteroids. Kidney International Reports [Internet]. Elsevier; 2022 Jun 5 [cited 2022 Jun 10];0(0). Available from:
Scheen M, Adedjouma A, Esteve E, Buob D, Abisror N, Planche V, Fain O, Boffa JJ, De Seigneux S, Mekinian A, Haidar F. Kidney disease in antiphospholipid antibody syndrome: Risk factors, pathophysiology and management. Autoimmun Rev. 2022 Feb 23;21(5):103072. PMID: 35217200
Le Flécher A, Doreille A, Michel PA, Hanouna G, Daugas E, Fessi H, Claude PA, Esteve E, Boffa JJ, Strukov A, Retbi A, Petit-Hoang C, François H, Ouali N, Jamme M, Verney C, Rondeau E, Mesnard L, Rafat C, Luque Y. Management of Undocumented Immigrants With End-Stage Kidney Disease in 2 Academic Hospitals in Paris. Kidney Int Rep. 2022 Mar;7(3):610–613. PMCID: PMC8897306
Estève E, Buob D, Jamme F, Jouanneau C, Kascakova S, Haymann JP, Letavernier E, Galmiche L, Ronco P, Daudon M, Bazin D, Réfrégiers M. Detection and localization of calcium oxalate in kidney using synchrotron deep ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy. J Synchrotron Rad. 2022 Jan 1;29(1):214–223.
Saïdi M, Brochériou I, Estève E, Tuffet S, Amoura Z, Miyara M, Belenfant X, Ulinski T, Rouvier P, Debiec H, Ronco P, Buob D. The Exostosin Immunohistochemical Status Differentiates Lupus Membranous Nephropathy Subsets With Different Outcomes. Kidney Int Rep. 2021 Jul;6(7):1977–1980. PMCID: PMC8258496
Delafosse M, Ponlot E, Esteve E, Ghislain L, Hanset N, Boffa JJ, Johanet C, Dahan K. Personalized phospholipase A2 receptor antibody-driven rituximab treatment strategy in membranous nephropathy. Kidney Int. 2021 Apr;99(4):1023–1024. PMID: 33745532
Bazin D, Reguer S, Vantelon D, Haymann JP, Letavernier E, Frochot V, Daudon M, Esteve E, Colboc H. XANES spectroscopy for the clinician. Comptes Rendus Chimie. 2021;24(S2):1–20.
Livrozet M, Esteve E, Daudon M, Zaworski J, Haymann JP, Frochot V, Boffa JJ, Bazin D, Benoist JF, Letavernier E. The Case | Fluctuating serum creatinine and crystals in urine. Kidney International. Elsevier; 2020 Jun 1;97(6):1307–1308. PMID: 32444102
Lescure FX, Fellahi S, Pialoux G, Bastard JP, Eme AL, Esteve E, Lebrette MG, Guiard-Schmid JB, Capeau J, Ronco P, Costagliola D, Plaisier E. Prevalence of tubulopathy and association with renal function loss in HIV-infected patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2020 Apr 1;35(4):607–615. PMID: 31071216
Hanset N, Esteve E, Plaisier E, Johanet C, Michel PA, Boffa JJ, Fievet P, Mesnard L, Morelle J, Ronco P, Dahan K. Rituximab in Patients With Phospholipase A2 Receptor-Associated Membranous Nephropathy and Severe CKD. Kidney Int Rep. 2020 Mar;5(3):331–338. PMCID: PMC7056852
Esteve E, Luque Y, Waeytens J, Bazin D, Mesnard L, Jouanneau C, Ronco P, Dazzi A, Daudon M, Deniset-Besseau A. Nanometric Chemical Speciation of Abnormal Deposits in Kidney Biopsy: Infrared-Nanospectroscopy Reveals Heterogeneities within Vancomycin Casts. Anal Chem. 2020 Jun 2;92(11):7388–7392.
Delafosse M, Ponlot E, Hanset N, Estève E, Boffa JJ, Dahan K. Serum Albumin Still of Interest to Predict Outcomes in Membranous Nephropathy in the Era of Phospholipase A2 Receptor. Kidney International Reports. 2020 Sep 1;5(9):1611–1612.
Boffa JJ, Esteve E, Buob D. Renal involvement in IgG4-related disease. La Presse Médicale. 2020 Apr 1;49(1):104017.
Dahan K, Johannet C, Esteve E, Plaisier E, Debiec H, Ronco P. Retreatment with rituximab for membranous nephropathy with persistently elevated titers of anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody. Kidney Int. 2019;95(1):233–234. PMID: 30606419
Luque Y, Louis K, Jouanneau C, Placier S, Esteve E, Bazin D, Rondeau E, Letavernier E, Wolfromm A, Gosset C, Boueilh A, Burbach M, Frère P, Verpont MC, Vandermeersch S, Langui D, Daudon M, Frochot V, Mesnard L. Vancomycin-Associated Cast Nephropathy. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Jun;28(6):1723–1728. PMCID: PMC5461798
Esteve E, Reguer S, Boissiere C, Chanéac C, Lugo G, Jouanneau C, Mocuta C, Thiaudière D, Leclercq N, Leyh B, Greisch JF, Berthault J, Daudon M, Ronco P, Bazin D. Flyscan opportunities in medicine: the case of quantum rattle based on gold quantum dots. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2017 Sep 1;24(5):991–999.
Estève E, Krug P, Hummel A, Arnoux JB, Boyer O, Brassier A, de Lonlay P, Vuiblet V, Gobin S, Salomon R, Piètrement C, Bonnefont JP, Servais A, Galmiche L. Renal involvement in lysinuric protein intolerance: contribution of pathology to assessment of heterogeneity of renal lesions. Hum Pathol. 2017 Apr;62:160–169. PMID: 28087478
Esteve E, Bazin D, Jouanneau C, Rouzière S, Bataille A, Kellum A, Provost K, Mocuta C, Reguer S, Jorissen K, Rehr JJ, Hertig A, Rondeau E, Letavernier E, Haymann JP, Daudon M, Ronco P. How to assess the role of Pt and Zn in the nephrotoxicity of Pt anti-cancer drugs?: An investigation combining μXRF and statistical analysis. Part II: Clinical application. Comptes Rendus Chimie. 2016 Nov 1;19(11):1586–1589.
Estève E, Bazin D, Jouanneau C, Rouzière S, Bataille A, Kellum A, Provost K, Mocuta C, Reguer S, Thiaudière D, Jorissen K, Rehr JJ, Hertig A, Rondeau É, Letavernier E, Daudon M, Ronco P. How to assess the role of Pt and Zn in the nephrotoxicity of Pt anti-cancer drugs? An investigation combining μXRF and statistical analysis: Part I: On mice. Comptes Rendus Chimie. 2016 Nov;19(11–12):1580–1585.
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Pindi Sala T, Michot JM, Snanoudj R, Dollat M, Estève E, Marie B, Taoufik Y, Delfraissy JF, Lazure T, Lambotte O. Successful outcome of a corticodependent henoch-schönlein purpura adult with rituximab. Case Rep Med. 2014;2014:619218. PMCID: PMC3988713
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Name | Emmanuel Estève |
Birthdate | 39 years old |
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